
One year into construction industry pledge

As we mark the one-year milestone of ACA's Culture Pledge, the progress we have made is encouraging. Read More

Quantum leap for construction

Amidst the buzz of the Treasurer’s Future Made in Australia policy, a quiet hero is waiting in the wings that may not boast the glamour of quantum computing or the allure of solar panels. Read More

Change is in the air in Queensland

Change is in the air with positive steps being taken across the nation. We spotlight Queensland in this piece. Read More

Change is in the air

Imagine a future where every construction project is completed on time and on budget, and the only newspaper headlines celebrate the sheer skill and excellence displayed in the structures being built. Read More

2023 Reflections

As we wrap up our dance with challenges in 2023, it's clear we need more than just a change of partners; we need a whole new choreography. Read More

Talk is over, time for action

Events like the AFR Infrastructure Summit are an important opportunity to talk about how important it is to build infrastructure. But what happens when the talking is over? Read More

Review productivity not big build (opinion piece)

The big question remains – which projects should we cancel? This dilemma is one reason why the Federal Infrastructure review is taking so long. Read More

Project bank accounts debunked

The only valid reason to impose additional regulation like PBAs on head contractors would be if the industry’s payment performance was systematically worse than others – and it isn’t. Read More

Dollar in the Dirt - An easier way to measure productivity?

So, if we want to improve construction productivity………. how do we measure it? Read More

Nailing construction productivity - a nation building priority

Construction in Australia is facing a big problem. It is becoming less productive as other costs continue to increase. This should worry all of us. Read More