
Construction ripe for productivity picking at Jobs Summit

The Federal Government’s recently announced Jobs and Skills Summit in September is aimed at addressing current economic issues such as skills shortages by driving reforms in areas like employment participation, productivity and skilled migration. Read More

National approaches required to address major productivity problem

The Productivity Commission is considering how the pandemic shaped Australia’s productivity challenges and arguably it does not have to look far to see the opportunities. Read More

Same, same but different inquiry

Productivity is once again the subject of a Federal Government review and, again, the real challenge is the actual adoption of better practice. Read More

Unforeseen significant escalation should not be a contractor or supply chain risk

The construction industry is experiencing ‘hyper-escalation’ – unpredictable, rapid price increases in key commodities combined with supply issues. Read More

Locking in - who wins?

In this blog we examine the concept and consequences of ‘price certainty’ and the need for solutions to address the steep and unpredictable change in pricing of key commodities in construction. Read More